Friday, September 18, 2009

Rosewood Hospital

I first visited this site in 1996 when I worked in Owings Mills, MD and was intrigued by it because of its buildings and how creepy they are. It was recently shut down by the state so now you are no longer allowed to roam the grounds. But before it was shut down you could freely walk around and if you were brave enough and wasnt seen you could slip into a few of the buildings. If you have ever been there you can just imagine the horror that went on behind those walls back when it was a very active hospital. There is still alot of old equipment laying around and you just get this creepy feeling. One time when I was there I was taking some photos and walking around the buildings. I was walking around a corner and noticed a few huge exhaust fans that on the first floor. I didnt think anything of it and continued on my way. When I was done looking around back I walked back around the building to where the fan was and this time it was moving. There was no wind or breeze at the time and I go a strange feeling that something or someone was watching me. When I turned the final corner I looked up into one of the upper windows and saw a shadow race across the opening. I was stuck in fear and stood there for about what seemed an hour but was only about 15 minutes. This was the scariest encounter that I have had there.

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